Do you have plans for 2025? Did you set a New Year's Resolution? Or have you decided those don't work? Rather than setting resolutions that don't work (looks at the statistics, over 80% of New Year's Resolutions are broken by the end of January) why not focus on self improvement, setting an intention to be more of you, and to be more alive in 2025?
Try this....imagine it is December 31, 2025. What would you like to look back on and say you had an amazing year because you did that thing you have always wanted to do. You accomplished a task, overcame a fear, or tried something new. What is that thing? What would it mean to you? How much better would you feel? How proud would you be?
Once you can answer those questions, and picture what that would be like, you can start moving forward.
My focus for the first half of the year is "Alive in 2025". I want to feel more awake, engaged in my life. No more soldiering through each day, trying to catch up on a neverending list of daily tasks that are unfulfilling and not what I really want to be doing. Instead, I want to experience more joy, fun and laughter. My coaching programs this year will center on this theme
ALIVE in 2025
A. Address blocks: What gets in the way of your dreams? Remove the obstacles, the walls you keep running into that keeps you from your best life.
L. Liberate your soul: What weighs you down? What thoughts repeat in your head that create self doubt? Find freedom, enthusiasm and motivation by addressing the ways your joy is limited.
I: Invite ideas and inspiration: Let ideas flow. As you remove the obstacles, your mind is clear, and creativity is unblocked.
V: Visualize your future: What is possible now that you've removed blocks, and ideas are flowing? What can you picture, and dream of, that you didn't think was possible?
E: Elevate to new levels: With all of the weight removed, and a new vision of your life, you are ready and able to rise up and reach new levels. You are unstoppable!
If you need to get unstuck, or if you want more joy, excitement, fulfillment, knowing you are made for more...look for more info on group coaching, individual coaching, workshops and tips for being more ALIVE in 2025 starting in February! More info will be coming soon!